Term Schedule and Events
(Subject to change)
All sessions are held at Iffley Road Sports Centre (Iffley Rd, Oxford OX4 1EQ)
Monday 5:00-10:00: Squad coached training with each squad training for a 1.25 hour slot
Wednesday afternoon: BUCS matches at Iffley or away
Friday 5:00-10:00: Squad coached training with each squad training for a 1.25 hour slot
Saturday afternoon: A few times a term, the blues teams play in private fixtures at Iffley or away
Social Sessions
(Subject to change)
All sessions are held at Iffley Road Sports Centre (Iffley Rd, Oxford OX4 1EQ)
Thursday 18:00-21:00 Social club night
Saturday 13:30-15:00 Coached beginner session
Anytime College and Individual league matches
(Subject to change)
All sessions are held at Iffley Road Sports Centre (Iffley Rd, Oxford OX4 1EQ)
Wednesday or Thursday Evening OSRA League matches alternating at Iffley and away
Sunday Afternoon OSRA League Training